Who we are

'Superior customer service is our goal'

I am Penny Vingoe 

Only seventeen years ago I discovered Polymer clay.sixteen years ago I went on my first workshop where the organiser commented that she wished that she had an alternative supplier - and the idea for Clayaround was formulated.   Within months of in-depth research and product sourcing we were up and running and now, almost sixteen years on, are expanding rapidy, thanks in particular to our many loyal customers

Penny Vingoe
beautiful wales morning

We are based in Beautiful Wales

 We are surrounded by sheep! However, this is the  view from my office.    This  is,  as you  might imagine,  constant inspiration .

It has its disadvantages for a business however for we are 4 miles from the nearest shop, and 8 miles from the nearest town!  However you can contact us at any time on the chat box or by email ( contact us) and I will, reply as quickly as I can.  You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram by linking to their logos on our site.

Mid Wales landscape

Over the years

Over the years I did demonstrations, classes and talks and shared knowledge about this wonderful medium.  We  also attended shows and exhibitions and travelled  all over the country with the shop  to special  workshops and at Guilds.

For six years we ran monthly free   Claydays.  These were always well attended and a delightful way to meet people.   In the last couple of years the BPCG (British Polymer Clay Guild - of which I was a committee member at one point) have developed a network of similar days all over the country.    

Polymer clay stock shelves


We are excited to tell you we are now in the process of extending our line of stock and introducing interesting products for card makers and scrapbookers. 

I have been long interested in making cards but have been doing the thorough research about this craft in the belief that I must understand the products that I am selling.   this way we will continue to live up to our declared intent that 'Superior service is our goal'